Hair Care, Hair Fall

Alopecia Areata, Condition of Spontaneous Baldness on the Head

Usually characterized by a fairly large baldness in the hair

Have you ever experienced sudden hair loss leading to baldness? Be alert, you could have alopecia areata.

However, baldness that often attacks adults also does not rule out the possibility for children to experience baldness.

So, what are the symptoms experienced and how is it different from mild hair loss? Come on, know the explanation!

Get to know Alopecia Areata

“Alopecia areata is hair baldness that occurs suddenly, spontaneously, and al most locally,” dr. Alexander Chandra, Sp. KK, Dermatologist and Venereologist, Pondok Indah Hospital – Puri Indah.

This hair baldness can occur in people of any age, race, and gender.

However, it often appears for the first time during childhood.

Often interpreted as hair loss, that is, if there are small bald patches on the sidelines of the scalp. Not only the scalp , it can even occur in other body parts.

Bald hair will generally grow back within 12 months without treatment.

You may also experience cycles of unexpected hair loss and regrowth over the years.

Symptoms of Alopecia Areata

Quoting from Mom Junction, this disease often affects children or teenagers.

Approximately 65% ​​of patients experience early symptoms of alopecia areata before the age of 16 years.

To find out if you have alopecia areata, you can see it from the following signs:

1. Bald Spots

Symptoms of this condition begin with a single point of baldness.

Over time, more patches will appear on various parts of the scalp.

The patches may gradually coalesce and form one large, hairless area of ​​bald scalp.

This condition is often not realized and only seen when combing or looking in the mirror.

2. Thinning Hair

Studies in Research Gate explain that a symptom of alopecia areata is thinning hair.

Hair will thin, especially around the edges of the bald part.

This periodic thinning occurs at the base of the scalp and gradually gets wider.

“Bad patches are circular or oval in shape on the head,” said dr. Chandra.

3. Fast Hair Loss

“Many parents panic when they see their little one loss hair,” says Dr. Jerry Shapiro, alopecia expert and director of the University of British Columbia Hair Clinic at Vancouver Hospital.

This is because the symptoms of baldness occur quickly. Hair will thin out unconsciously in a certain time.

Causes of Alopecia Areata

Sometimes it is difficult for a person to know whether hair loss is normal or due to alopecia.

It is best to check the extent of hair loss. Alopecia causes a lot of hair to fall out quickly.

In addition, a number of conditions can also cause alopecia areata, including:

1. Autoimmune Disorders

One of the causes of baldness is a disorder of the immune system in which auto antibodies attack hair follicles.

“This includes systemic lupus erythematosus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, SLE),” explained dr. Chandra.

According to the Indian Journal of Dermatology , alopecia is sometimes defined as a chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by autoimmune attacks.

This is because it is T-cell mediated in hair follicles and sometimes in nails.

So, someone with a history of autoimmune has a high potential to experience this.

2. Genetics

According to Chandra’s doctor, another cause of alopecia areata is genetic factors.

If a family member has a history of baldness, the risk is high for your little one to experience the same thing. Even so, alopecia is a polygenic disorder.

That is, the fault does not lie in a single gene, but occurs because a particular combination of genes is faulty.

Therefore, not all parents with alopecia will inherit this disorder.

3. Hormone Changes

Hormones are one of the reasons alopecia areata can occur. In adults, this is often experienced by pregnant women in certain months.

Hair loss in pregnant women sometimes makes the mood unstable and makes you feel anxious.

No need to worry, baldness during pregnancy can return to normal later.

4. Comorbidities

For someone who has a history of previous disease, there is a risk of developing alopecia areata. This is like diabetes or a malignant disease like cancer.

Side effects of drugs taken during treatment can also cause hair loss.

5. Malnutrition

” Bad nutrition is a trigger for hair loss that leads to baldness,” explained dr. Chandra.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the intake of foods that are rich in high nutrients. In children, poor nutrition can be at risk for other conditions such as stunting.

How to Overcome Alopecia Areata

According to Betsy Woytovich, executive director of the Children’s Alopecia Project, the most important thing for dealing with alopecia areata is to accept it gracefully.

In addition, there are also a series of treatments for the treatment of baldness, such as:

1. Dermatologist Consultation

Hair keeps falling out for no apparent reason? It’s time to treat alopecia areata by consulting a dermatologist and sex specialist .

Later, the doctor will determine the treatment to prevent baldness.

Starting from the consumption of drugs, using special shampoos, to hair care therapy.

2. Treat co-morbidities

According to Chandra’s explanation, Moms need to overcome the problem gradually.

“Start by treating comorbidities,” he said.

Thus, hair loss can be overcome and return to normal hair growth.

3. Steroid Injections

The American Academy of Dermatology Association reports that steroid injections are necessary to prevent baldness.

These injections are usually given every 4 to 8 weeks or as needed.

It is considered the most effective treatment for people who have multiple patches of baldness.

Over 80% who were treated with steroids, at least half of their hair grew back within 12 weeks.

4. Administration of Minoxidil

“The administration of drugs such as minoxidil ointment is a remedy for alopecia areata,” explained dr. Chandra.

Minoxidil can help keep hair growth stimulated by other treatments.

Usually need to be applied 2 to 3 times a day. It is useful for the scalp, beard area, as well as eyebrows.

5. Avoid Stress

Personal problems seem to trigger alopecia areata, although this has not been scientifically proven.

Come on, reduce thinking too much that can have an impact on hair loss!

Manage stress well, for example, journaling or mindfulness routines to release negative energy.

Those are some things you need to know about alopecia areata.

If you or your little one shows signs, immediately consult a doctor for treatment, Moms.

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