Skin Care, Skin Toner

How To Use Toner According To The Type, Already Know?

There are several ways that can be tried, Moms!

In the skincare series that you use, is toner included in the list?

If so, do you know how to use the correct toner according to its type?

If you’re still in doubt, this article might help you find the answer.

Benefits of Using Toner

Toner is one of the skin care products that are widely used and sought after.

Here are some of the benefits of toner that can be obtained if you use it regularly.

1. Clean the face thoroughly

Toner is a double cleansing product.

After washing your face with cleansing soap, after that you can perfect it by applying a toner .

Toner is usually applied to a dry cotton swab and then rubbed onto the face.

The goal is to clean the remnants of soap and dirt that are still attached and not removed by facial cleansing soap.

In addition, toner also helps remove the rest of the makeup that is still attached even after washing your face .

Toner is also often used to remove excess oil and dirt that has accumulated during the day or night .

2. Balances skin pH

Skin is naturally acidic, with a pH level of around 4.7, reports the International Journal of Cosmetic Science .

Meanwhile, some cleaning soaps are alkaline in nature.

Well, using products with a different pH level than the skin can upset the balance.

This has the potential to cause dryness, oiliness, and irritation.

Although the skin’s pH can recover on its own in a matter of hours, using a toner can balance it out more quickly.

That way, other skincare products that will be used can absorb and function perfectly.

3. Softens Skin

Toner is not only an additional cleanser but also restores skin conditions that may be problematic.

Therefore, people who regularly use toner usually have softer and smoother skin.

However, you must apply how to use the correct toner .

4. Prepares Skin to Absorb Products

As previously mentioned, toners help prepare the skin before layering it with other skin care products.

This is because in a moist state, care products will be absorbed and work more easily than dry skin.

How to use a toner according to its type

To work more effectively, all products must be used as directed, including toner .

Different types of toner , so also different ways to use it.

But in general, there are two ways to use toner , namely with a cotton swab or using the palm of the hand.

If using a cotton swab, pour enough toner onto the cotton and gently wipe it over your face.

How to Use Toner according to the type of eye.s

Next, if using your hands, pour a few drops of toner into your palms, and gently pat it all over your face.

Not only the face, you can use the toner left on a cotton pad or palm to the neck area .

For more details, here’s how to use toner according to its type.

Hydrating Toner

Hydrating toner is a toner that functions to hydrate or provide moisture to the skin .

This type of toner usually does not contain active ingredients that are too harsh and water based .

How to use a hydrating toner can be done in 2 ways, namely:

Using Cotton

  1. After cleaning your face with face wash, dry your face.
  2. Pour the toner onto a cotton pad to taste.
  3. Rub all over the face in an outward motion, the goal is to lift the dirt out of the skin.
  4. Avoid the eye area and gently rub several times.
  5. If it is not enough, take one more cotton and repeat the same steps.

Using the Palm

  1. After cleaning your face , don’t forget to dry your face with a tissue.
  2. Then, with clean hands, pour a few drops of toner into your palms.
  3. After that, put your palms on your face and smooth it by patting, not rubbing it.
  4. You can also apply it to the neck area so that this area is well hydrated.

Use the hydrating toner 2 times a day in the morning and at night before going to bed.

The hydrating toner can be used every day and will not dry out or irritate the skin.

Usually, many people use hydrating toners by using the palms of their hands so that the product is not wasted.

Except, if you want to do double cleansing first, you can use a cotton swab until the color of the cotton doesn’t change, which means your face is free from dirt.

Exfoliating Toner

In addition to hydrating toner , there are also types of exfoliating toner .

Exfoliating toner is a chemical peeling product with added acid or acid.

The goal is to help remove dead skin cells that stick and dirt that clogs skin pores .

So not only moisturizing, this toner helps clean the face down to the pores.

Usually exfoliating toners contain active ingredients such as AHA, BHA , PHA, to glycolic acid.

AHAs and glycolic acid are usually suitable for most skin types.

While BHAs such as salicylic acid are suitable for oily skin or sensitive skin .

Because it contains active ingredients, you can’t use it carelessly.

It is necessary to do a trial first to see the skin reaction.

Before applying to the face, apply toner on the inner arm or behind the ear.

If after 24 hours there is no allergic reaction, you can only use it on the face and neck area.

As for how to use this type of toner , which is as follows.

Using Cotton

  1. Dry the face that has been cleaned, then take a cotton swab and pour an adequate amount of toner .
  2. Rub all over the face in an outward motion, the goal is to lift the dirt out of the skin.
  3. Avoid the eye area and gently rub several times.
  4. Don’t forget, also use this toner on the neck area so that the dead skin around it is lifted.

In addition to rubbing it, use an exfoliating toner by sticking it for a while on the face that has lots of blackheads .

For example, in the area of ​​​​the nose or cheeks where the pores are usually larger.

Using the Palm

  1. Pour a few drops of toner into your palms.
  2. After that, put your palms on your face and smooth it by patting, not rubbing it.
  3. Moms can also flatten it to the neck area.

In contrast to hydrating toners , exfoliating toners are mostly used with the help of cotton.

This is because exfoliating toner aims to remove dead skin cells on the skin.

By using cotton, dead skin cells and dirt will be more easily removed.

Already know what are the benefits of exfoliating toner?

Here is the list.

  • Makes Skin Smooth and Glowing

This type of toner contains acids that help get rid of dead skin cells and dirt that settles on the facial skin.

That way, the result can improve skin texture that is rough and dull.

If used regularly, the skin will be softer and more radiant.

  • Help Overcome Acne and Scars

Exfoliating toner containing salicylic acid is very good for acne prone skin .

Not only does it reduce inflammation, it also reduces stubborn blemishes.

  • Exfoliating Lips

Dry lips have a lot of dead skin that accumulates.

For that, use this toner as a solution, because pulling dead skin can make lips bleed.

How to use a toner for the lips, which is to pour the liquid into a cotton ball and gently wipe it on the lips.

When dead skin cells are removed from your lips, you can apply lipstick more easily.

To get the maximum benefit, this toner should only be used 2-3 times a week.

It is not recommended to use it every day because it can damage the skin barrier .

As a result, the skin is more easily irritated and problematic.

That’s how to use toner according to the types.

Have you been using toner properly all this time?

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