Vitamin C, Vitamin For Skin

Vitamin C Infusion: Know the Benefits and Potential Risks, Interested in Trying it?

Watch out for the side effects!

Some people do various ways to brighten the skin, one of them is by infusion of vitamin C.

Giving vitamin C infusion directly into the bloodstream is somewhat faster than taking drugs or supplements that need to be digested by the body first.

Unfortunately, many just follow this method without knowing its effectiveness and safety.

So that Moms don’t make a mistake, let’s see a complete explanation of vitamin C infusion starting from the benefits, procedures, and risks.

What is a Vitamin C Infusion?

Vitamin C infusion is a procedure using a certain dose of vitamin C that is inserted into the body through an intravenous injection into a vein.

Vitamin C is a substance that is needed by the body because it has many benefits, such as increasing the body’s resistance to maintaining healthy skin.

This is because vitamin C is a water-soluble substance, so it is easily absorbed by all body tissues.

Skin care products that contain vitamin C can be in the form of creams, medicines to injection or infusion fluids.

Many think that injecting vitamin C with vitamin C infusion is the same thing.

In fact, the treatment is different. In addition to the difference in dosage, the resulting benefits are also different.

Vitamin C injections use lower doses than vitamin C infusions.

In addition, vitamin C injections are generally used to increase endurance and stamina, but do not promise brighter skin.

Meanwhile, vitamin C infusion for adult skin is believed to be able to produce brighter skin if it is done regularly.

Benefits of Vitamin C Infusion

When you do a vitamin C infusion, the benefits you get are:

1. Wound Healing

Vitamin C helps build and maintain connective tissue, bones, skin and blood vessels.

This means that high doses of vitamin C infused intravenously can help the body heal cuts and scrapes on the skin more quickly.

This is because vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps repair tissue and reduce damage from inflammation.

2. Cancer Treatment

In the early 1970s, some researchers suggested that taking vitamin C infusions along with cancer drugs could improve cancer treatment.

Vitamin C infusions can produce very high levels of vitamin C in the body.

Researchers believe that high levels of vitamin C can be toxic to cancer cells without harming healthy cells.

Some researchers also believe that vitamin C might reduce the side effects of cancer drugs.

However, the benefits of vitamin C infusion still need further research.

3. Lose Weight

Vitamin C infusion is said to be used for weight loss.

A study in the Journal of the American Nutrition Association , shows that someone who does not have sufficient vitamin C intake can not burn fat properly.

4. Skin Care

Its high antioxidant properties and role in the production of collagen make vitamin C an important component for healthy skin.

The free radical fighting power of vitamin C makes it necessary to protect the skin from premature aging and prevent wrinkles.

This vitamin C infusion also works to hydrate the skin and increase vitamin C absorption.

5. Maintain the Immune System

According to Nutrients , a person with high levels of vitamin C in their immune system is better equipped to fight off infections such as a cold or flu.

Vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells, which the body uses to fight disease.

High doses of vitamin C may not “cure” a cold but it has been shown to be helpful in reducing the duration and severity of illness.

Low levels of vitamin C have been linked to diseases such as scurvy.

6. Improve Mood

A person who is deficient in vitamin C is proven to feel more tired and depressed.

Conversely, someone who has sufficient levels of vitamin C can improve mood .

Vitamin C infusion can significantly improve mood by fighting free radicals that cause oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress in the body can cause neuropsychological disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Vitamin C Infusion Procedure

Before undergoing a vitamin C infusion, the doctor will first check the patient’s medical history, starting from complaints, history of illnesses that have been suffered, and the types of drugs that are being and have been consumed.

Furthermore, the doctor will also perform a physical examination to detect disorders experienced by the patient and the patient’s overall condition.

Laboratory and supporting tests can also be done to confirm the diagnosis, such as blood tests, urine tests, X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs.

The vitamin C infusion procedure is the same as a treatment procedure that needs to be done through an infusion, the steps include:

  • The doctor will put a tourniquet , which is an elastic rope that is tied around the patient’s upper arm to suppress and stop the blood flow, so that the blood vessels dilate and the doctor can easily detect the right blood vessels to deliver vitamin C.
  • The doctor will sterilize the area of ​​skin where the needle will be inserted with an alcohol swab.
  • Then, the doctor will insert an IV needle ( abocath ) into a vein. If a small amount of blood appears in the tube (compartment) on the IV needle, it is certain that the needle has entered a vein. The patient will feel pain and discomfort when the needle is pricked
  • The doctor will remove the tourniquet from the patient’s arm, then attach the IV needle to the IV tube that has been connected to a fluid bag containing vitamin C. The doctor will usually put a plaster on the IV needle to keep the needle from moving or pulling out.
  • The doctor will adjust the infusion fluid according to the patient’s needs and record the date and time of infusion, the type of fluid, and the number of infusion drops.
  • As long as the infusion fluid is given, the doctor will observe the patient’s vital condition, the smoothness of the infusion drip, and the condition of the injection area.
  • After the vitamin liquid in the IV bag is used up, the doctor will close the IV fluid control ( roller clamp ) to stop the flow of fluids.
  • The doctor will apply pressure to the area where the needle was inserted with a cotton swab or alcoholic gauze, then gently withdraw the needle and IV tube. The patient will feel pain again when the needle is withdrawn.
  • Patients are advised to keep pressure on the injection site for several minutes to reduce the risk of bleeding.
  • The doctor will cover the injection area with a bandage or bandage.

This procedure usually lasts 1-2 hours, depending on the patient’s condition and the number of doses given.

Risks of Vitamin C Infusion

The most common side effect of infusion of vitamin C into the body is the appearance of pain.

However, if you use more than the safe dose of vitamin C, of ​​course there will be side effects from an excess dose of vitamin C, such as:

1. Disturbing the Kidneys

Vitamin C infusion can also cause kidney problems .

This is because, vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that can reach the kidneys.

If the dose of vitamin C infusion is too high, it can cause kidney problems.

Therefore, vitamin C infusion should not be done more than once a week.

2. Blood Clots

Treatment through an IV can cause blood clots to form along the veins.

Blood clots can cause tissue damage and even death.

3. Allergies

One of the other side effects that arise from the action of vitamin C infusion is allergies .

This can happen if you have low immunity.

Therefore, before taking vitamin C infusion, it is better to do an immunity check first.

4. Embolism

An embolism is a condition when a blood vessel is blocked by a foreign substance, such as a blood clot, air bubble, or cholesterol.

If air gets into the syringe or medicine bag and the IV line is dry, air bubbles can enter the vein.

Air bubbles can travel to the heart or lungs and block blood flow.

This condition can cause a heart attack or stroke.

That’s it Moms explanation about vitamin C infusion.

Vitamin C infusion into the body does have a function that is quite useful for body health, especially skin health.

However, it is better to consult a doctor first to find out what are the side effects and risks of vitamin C infusion based on current conditions.

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